
Utvalg av fagfellevurderte konferansepresentasjoner

Hall, J. B. & Karseth, B. (2024). Juridification of Norwegian education: students' rights to a safe and good school environment. ECER (European Conference on Educational Research 2024). 08-27-24 – 08-30-24. Nicosia, Cyprus.

Jahreie, J., Hall, J. B., & Skedsmo, G. (2024). International Research on Strategies to Prevent Dropout and Retain Students in Secondary Education. ECER (European Conference on Educational Research 2024). 08-27-24 – 08-30-24. Nicosia, Cyprus.

Hall, J. B. & Karseth, B. (2024). Juridification of Norwegian education: the case of students' right to a safe and good school environment. NERA (Nordic Education Research Association) Congress, 03-06-24 – 03-08-24. Malmö, Sweden.

Hall, J. B. & Skedsmo, G. (2023). Supporting Migration Background Students - Institutional Collaboration Between Internal and External Actors. ECER (European Conference on Educational Research 2023). 08-22-23 – 08-25-23. Glasgow, U.K.

Hall, J. B. & Skedsmo, G. (2023). Collaboration between internal and external actors in support of students with a migration background. NERA (Nordic Education Research Association) Congress, 03-15-23 ­– 03-17-23. Oslo, Norway.

Hall, J. B., Gunnulfsen, A. E. & Jensen, R. (2022). Organizational tensions in the planning and enactment of the renewed state curriculum: the entrepreneurial role of school principals and superintendents in Norway. NERA (Nordic Education Research Association) Congress, 05-31-22 – 06-03-22, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Hall, J. B. & Novak, J (2022). Current Policy Expectations on Norwegian School Leaders: State policy on the professional work of retaining students in secondary education. AERA (American Educational Research Association) Conference, 04-22-22 – 04-26-22, San Diego, California (online).

Gunnulfsen, A.E. & Hall, J. B. (2022). School Leaders' Planning for Curriculum Reform in Norwegian Schools: Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something True? AERA (American Educational Research Association) Conference, 04-22-22 – 04-26-22, San Diego, California (online).

Hall, J. B. & Novak, J. (2021). Current Policy Expectations on Norwegian School Leaders:
State policy on the professional work of retaining students in secondary education.
ECER (European Conference on Educational Research 2021). 09-06-21 – 09-10-21, Geneva, Switzerland (online).

Hall, J. B. & Johansson, L. E. (2020). Student Learning Environment: Regulation in Transition and Challenges for School Leaders as Enactors of the Law. WELSOnline 2020, 2020-09-03.

Hall, J. B. & Johansson, L. E. (2020). School Environment Regulation in Transition: Strengthening Individual Rights? 16th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI, Cancelled conference). 2020-05-20 – 2020-05-23. Urbana-Champaign, Illinois.

Hall, J.B, Lindgren, J., Sowada, M. (2019). Information-seeking practices of school inspectors: navigating through state policy. World Education Leadership Symposium 2019 (WELS); 2019-09-25 - 2019-09-27. Zug, Switzerland.

Hall, J. B. (2018). Supervising formative assessment routines and leadership in public schools: Ensuring legal rights and equal opportunities for all students? Symposium paper at the 2018 NERA Congress, 2018-03-10 – 2018-03-12, Oslo, Norway.

Hall, J. B. (2017). The changing appearance of state school inspection: The Norwegian case. Paper presentation at the 2017 World Education Leadership Symposium (WELS), 2017-09-06 – 2017-09-08, Zug, Switzerland.

Hall, J. B. (2017). "Moving through the checkout line"? Legal standards, performance and state school inspection policy. Roundtable session presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), 2017-04-27 – 2017-05-01, San Antonio, Texas.

Hall, J. B. (2016). "Moving towards the checkout line"? Norwegian school inspection policy in a process of change. Symposium presentation. European Conference on Educational Research 2016 (ECER), Joint NW23/28: Enacting and Reacting to (Changing) School Evaluation Policies in Europe, 2016-08-23 – 2016-08-26, Dublin, Ireland.

Johansson, L. & Hall, J. B. (2016). Blurred roles and an ethic of tagging along. Roundtable presentation, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting 2016 (AERA); 2016-04-07 – 2016-04-13. Washington D.C.

Hall, J. B. (2015). Governing by feedback through the new state inspection handbook in Norway, Symposium paper presentation. Annual Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) Conference, NW21: Politics of Education and Education Policy Studies; 2015-03-04 - 2015-03-06. Gothenburg, Sweden.

Hall, J. B. (2014). State School Inspection as a Regulatory Tool: Institutional expectations from the County Governor inspectors' and leaders' point of view. Symposium Paper, European Conference on Educational Research 2014 (ECER), 2014-09-01 - 2014-09-05. Porto, Portugal.

Hall, J. B. & Sivesind, K. (2013). State Inspectoral Systems in Norway and Sweden: a reconfiguration of governing modes? Paper presentation, NW 23: School Inspection - Policies and Practices. The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 2013; 2013-09-09 - 2013-09-13. Istanbul, Turkey.

Welstad, T.-E. & Hall, J. B. (2013). Digital Legal Resources for Use in the Education of School Leaders and Teachers. Symposium paper, The Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) Conference 2013; 2013- 03-07 - 2013-03-09. Reykjavik, Iceland.

Hall, J. B. (2012). Taking off the rose-tinted spectacles? Organizational Relationships through National Inspection; A Case Study in the U.K. Conference Paper, The European Conference of Educational Research (ECER) 2012; 2012-09-18 - 2012-09-21. Cadiz, Spain.

Inviterte gjesteforelesninger og foredrag

Hall, J. B. (2024). Skolen som arbeidsplass og arbeidsgiver: et organisasjonsperspektiv [Schools as a workplace and an employer: an organisational perspective]. Invited guest lecture. University of Agder, Norway. 2024-04-18.

Hall, J. B. (2023). Inspection, leadership and support. Challenges and issues of educational and school leadership in the 21st century. Invited guest lecture. Institut des hautes études de l'éducation et de la formation (Ministry of Education)- IH2EF, Poitiers, France. 2023-12-14.

Hall, J. B. (2023). Legal Standards and Professional Judgment in Educational Leadership; LEX-EL. Workshop: Juridification in Higher Education. Invited lecture. Oslo Metropolitan University. 2023-10-23.

Hall, J. B. (2023). Skoleledere som «juridiske navigatører»: en krevende balansegang mellom mange ulike hensyn. [School leaders as legal navigators: a demanding balance between several considerations]. Invited guest lecture. The City of Oslo, Agency of Education (Utdanningsetaten). 2023-03-23.

Hall, J. B. (2022). Skoleledere som juridiske aktører: en krevende balansegang mellom mange hensyn [School leaders as legal actors: a demanding balance between multiple considerations]. Invited keynote lecture. Union of Education, Norway. 2022-10-25

Hall, J. B. (2022). Skolinspektion ur ett jamförande perspektiv [School inspection from a comparative perspective]. Omvärldskunskap, nivå 3 Skolinspektionen. Invited guest lecture. Swedish school Inspectorate, Stockholm (virtual). 2022-04-22

Hall, J. B. (2019). Legal knowledge and the enactment of educational law: challenges and possibilities for school professionals. International seminar, Doctoral School of Social Sciences and Statistics, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Napoli, Italy; 2019-11-25.

Hall, J. B. (2017). Shifting modes of governing: Reflecting upon state school inspection in Norway. Research seminar (invited lecture) at University of Montreal, CRIFPE, 2017-11-22, Montreal, Canada.

Hall, J. B. (2015). Juridisk styring i og av skolen. Rektorutdanningen [School Leadership Program], UH-Nett Vest; 2015-09-18. University of Bergen, Norway.